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Ground Glass Pozzolan and the Environment

Updated: Nov 25, 2024

Did you know that in 2018, the EPA reported that approximately 7.6 million tons of glass were landfilled [1]! Sadly, this annual number hasn’t changed appreciably in over 20 years. At R-E-D Industrial Products, we see an opportunity to turn this problem into a solution. R-E-D Industrial Products’ Re-Act 4 TM, powered by Opta Minerals, is a ground glass pozzolan (GGP) that is directly produced from this waste stream of glass. Ground glass pozzolans can replace ordinary portland cement in concrete upwards of 50% (similar to GGBFS/slag) and provide performance improvements, such as increased strength and improved durability.

The EPA also reports that between 0.787 and 0.934 tons of C02 can be saved for every 1 ton of clinker/cement removed from concrete [2]. So, if all this landfilled glass was to be turned into Re-Act 4 TM and then substituted for cement in concrete, we could reduce our GHG emissions by up to 7.1 million tons of C02 annually. That’s a lot of C02!!


[1] EPA (2022) “Facts and Figures about Materials, Waste and Recycling, Glass: Material-Specific Data”.,all%20MSW%20landfilled%20that%20year. Retrieved on 8/23.

[2] EPA (2021) “U.S. Cement Industry Carbon Intensities (2019), EPA 430-F-21-004”. . Retrieved on 8/23.


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